Understand Metacam usage duration and safety for your dog’s health
conditions & treatments
The medical stuff is stressful. Get expertise on common (and not-so-common) health issues, from causes and symptoms to the latest treatments for pets.
Can Dogs Have Calpol?
What works for your toddler isn’t necessarily best for your dog
Uh-oh, your pup’s got a cut. How can you stop it getting infected?
Make sure to factor these crucial costs into your puppy budget
Struggling with the cost of neutering? These places can help
Don’t reach for the medicine cabinet just yet
The lowdown on spaying costs in the UK
Autism in dogs is often misunderstood – our experts debunk the myths
Winter brings hidden dangers for pets – find out how to keep them safe
You’re sneezing, blowing your nose and stocking up on Lemsip. But is your pup at risk of catching your cold?
Car sickness isn’t just a human problem – it’s also common in dogs. But what causes it, and how can we help them feel better?
What is Leptospirosis?
Everything you need to know about the potentially deadly disease
This dangerous disease has been spotted a number of times in the UK. Here’s how to recognise if your dog has symptoms
Before you pet that stray dog on your holiday, find out how to protect yourself and still show compassion
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope, it’s your dog all stretched out like a frog
How a simple cheek swab could save English Shepherds from inherited blindness with a new DNA test
We’re not talking about Dalmatians here – they can have all the spots they like
Learn essential steps to treat pet burns , from first aid to when to seek veterinary care
Understand the causes, identification, treatment options and when to seek veterinary advice for skin tags on your dog
Because Head & Shoulders is absolutely not for pet use, here‘s how to clear up that flaky, snowy skin of theirs
Can Dogs Get Covid?
The pandemic started over four years ago, but there are still new strains popping up. Here’s what we know about dogs and Covid-19 now
”It’s the commodification of animals, it’s social currency – whether it’s to look hard or manly or to emulate a celebrity. We put pressure on that dog to play a role in our lives”
Where did the Great Dane originate? Learn more about the history and genetic origins of this working dog
Discover everything you need to know about this in-water treatment
Where did the Greyhound originate? Learn more about the history and genetic origins of the sighthound group
Those spots aren’t just for show...
Don’t panic! In most cases, it’s nothing to worry about
We asked a vet for tips on how to prevent the tick-borne Lyme disease in dogs
Pet parents are being urged to keep their pets indoors during peak pollen times “until September”
Hope for dogs with arthritis is on the horizon
A new study finds that small dog breeds are at higher risk for dental disease
Make sure your dog doesn’t over-indulge and develop this potentially life-threatening disease
Don’t take it personally – even if that’s hard to do
The charity has seen an influx of marijuana poisoning cases in recent years
Blue is a good name for a dog – not a good mood
How to get that insurance premium down (without sacrificing your pup’s health)
How Much Does it Cost to Have a Dog?
We got our paws on a calculator and did the research so you don’t have to
Seasonal allergies can happen to your pet, too. They might just look a little different to yours
Why Does My Dog Drink So Much Water?
Save some for later, hun!
That familiar corn chip aroma may simply seem quirky, but don’t ignore it
Veterinarians must do more to discourage the breeding of animals with conditions known to seriously compromise their welfare
Does your adorable little pup turn into a lawn mower when they’re asleep? Find out the causes – and cures – for snoring dogs
Look out for these warnings signs so you know when to call the vet
It’s actually not the big ones
In addition to being adorable, it’s nothing to worry about
Scientists are seeing some trends when it comes to pup mortality
And why stress could be to blame
So Fido has been in your chocolate stash... here’s what to do
Yep, all those warnings your mum gave you as a kid apply to your dog, too. Learn how to keep your pup safe in the cold
A veterinary neurologist explains all
It’s one of several health problems facing brachycephalic breeds
Shudder... but it happens to all of us
Meningitis can be a scary word to hear, but it’s not as bad as you might think – a vet explains the signs to look out for and the treatments available
As a vet working in emergency practice, I often see cases where these bills could be reduced or avoided altogether
Vet advice on when you should be worried about your dog’s cough
Does your pup have a pot belly? Have you noticed something moving in their poo? Yes, it’s time to talk about puppy parasites
What to do when your pup can’t poo
Learn which breeds are at risk, the symptoms to look out for and what treatment options are available.
This teeny tweezer is more powerful than you think
Dog melanoma can develop in many places on a dog’s body. Here’s everything you need to know about what causes melanoma and its symptoms
Find out what causes lymphoma in dogs and how you can help your pup
Expert solutions for your pup’s flatulence
Who knew this was something to worry about?
How to Get a Dog to Eat
You can’t appease a picky dog with chicken nuggets like you can with a toddler. Here are some things you can do
Braces are actually the most gentle way of dealing with your dog’s malocclusion (aka a ‘bad bite’)
A common canine cancer, explained
A vet on what to do when ‘anal sacs go bad’
Dog trainer Emma Bowdrey helps explain this common canine behaviour
DIY ways to help your pup cope with joint pain
Seven reasons to be concerned when your dog is coughing, according to veterinarians
It’s no laughing matter. Try these at-home treatments – and if they don’t work, take your dog to the vet ASAP
Your dog sees you as their best friend, so keep those eyes healthy
If hypothyroidism is to blame, it’s best not to let sleeping dogs lie
Watching your pet suffer a seizure can make you feel helpless. We asked three veterinarians to weigh in on natural remedies that show promise
Do English Bulldogs Face Extinction?
One of the most popular breeds in the world is also one of the least genetically diverse, causing huge implications for the breed
Shudder. It happens to all of us
Dogs can suffer from gum disease, too. Here’s how to prevent it
And how to help them feel better fast
Is My Dog’s Poo Normal?
From bloody poo to diarrhoea – all your dog’s poo problems explained
That would be a cherry eye, and you’ll want to see your vet
Kennel cough has been making headlines, but you can prevent your pup from catching this super-contagious disease. (Hint: there’s a vaccine)
A fascination with lights and shadows is common in high-energy dogs – but it can develop into obsessive-compulsive disorder if it gets out of hand
Learn the signs to look out for with this condition
Tips for treating achy joints – from medications to massages
The potentially deadly virus can be prevented with one simple step
Unravelling the Grain-Free Dog Food Debate: Examining the Potential Link to Canine Heart Disease
The Wildest Collective member and integrative veterinarian Dr Lindsey Wendt shares advice on a sometimes controversial, always changing topic
Here are the types of worms your pup could get, how you know they have them in the first place and how to get rid of them for good
The disease inhibits your dog’s ability to use their legs. One writer shares how the condition is diagnosed – and how you can help your dog stay mobile
Everything you need to know about the anti-seizure medication
If you have an older dog, they could have a condition called idiopathic vestibular disease. Here’s everything you need to know
Here’s how to spot the eye condition and help your dog see more clearly
Your older dog is the love of your life. Here are some health issues to look out for
Dogs can get tetanus, too – and not just from rusty nails
If your dog’s exuberant tail wagging has led to injury, they could have this condition
What Should Your Dog’s Temperature Be? A Step-by-Step Guide on Taking Your Dog’s Temperature at Home
Spoiler: there are more ways than the one you’d rather avoid
If your pup’s bathroom habits have changed, they might have a UTI. Here’s how to help
Yeah, it’s not exactly pleasant – but your pup will thank you
Seeing your pup’s normally perky tail go limp can be unnerving, but it’s really nothing to panic about
There are safer alternatives and you should always, always check with a vet before giving your pup anything
Ringworm isn’t fun for anyone, but it is treatable – and preventable
Veterinarian Dr Nancy Kay on why these fatty tumours aren’t always cause for concern
Animal behaviourist Karen B London breaks down the silent ways your pet is trying to tell you they’re hurting
Noise Sensitivity and Pain in Dogs
Research finds why dogs may suddenly become super-sensitive to sounds
Dogs need more sleep than humans. Here’s how much is healthy
Everything you need to know to keep the pests at bay
Beware of Bloat in Dogs
Consider it the mother of all dog emergencies – if your dog has it, take them to the vet ASAP. Learn how to spot the condition and how it’s treated
Time for a (literal) gut check from four experts
If your dog drinks from puddles or splashes around in streams, read this
If you have an older dog and they seem lost and confused lately, they could have canine cognitive dysfunction (aka, dog dementia). Learn about the signs, symptoms and treatments
Help! Why does my dog smell so bad?
Certain symptoms could mean your dog is battling a potentially fatal condition called haemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE). Here’s everything you need to know
Puppy mills and animal traffickers are tricking Craigslist users into purchasing dangerously — sometimes terminally — sick dogs.
The potentially deadly virus can be prevented with one simple step
Here are four common dental problems your pup might face and how to treat them
It might be a sign of a bigger issue
Dogs are especially at risk for ear infections. Here’s what to look out for.
Are Dogs Actually Color Blind?
It’s not all black and white.
Eyes without tears are only for Cameron Diaz in The Holiday.
Seriously, though. The Dog Aging Project is looking for participants.
Acral lick dermatitis is a frustrating skin condition, but new treatments offer hope.
Researchers identify the gene that causes bladder stones, thanks to a few Dalmatians.
Learn the signs and symptoms of this dangerous pathogen.
Active yeast puts dogs at risk for obstruction and alcohol poisoning.
Osteosarcoma in dogs can strike various parts of their body, from the limbs to the jawbone. Don't delay, learn about the causes and impact of osteosarcoma on your pup.