It could mean a problem with your dog, not just the neighbours
Training a dog? Deciphering a cat tail twitch? We’ve got expert tips for even the wackiest of behaviours.
Will Cats & Dogs Ever Get Along? Experts Debunk the Rivalry Myths
Think cats and dogs are natural enemies? Think again
basic obedience & training
Learn from the experts and train your pet on basic obedience: toilet training, crate training, even litter training. Plus, how to find a professional trainer.
Why Does My Dog Nibble on Me?
Those little teeth are sweet, but they definitely don’t feel good on your hand
It's time to reframe the situation
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behaviour & body language
Tail wagging? Ear pinning? It all means something. We’ll show you how to understand your pet (and communicate with them) with guides to decode the weirdest body language and behaviour.
We know your dog is always the best in your eyes, but which breeds are stealing the nation’s hearts?
Autism in dogs is often misunderstood – our experts debunk the myths
anxiety & separation anxiety
Learn how to deal with separation anxiety (and other forms of pet anxiety) so your pets keep calm when you’re not together.
It could mean a problem with your dog, not just the neighbours
All your dog wants for Christmas is a bodyguard to keep them safe from unfamiliar sights and sounds
Autism in dogs is often misunderstood – our experts debunk the myths
behavioural issues
Dog barking? Cat scratching? Our experts have tips to help all sorts of behaviour and aggression issues so your pet can earn that “good boy!” (or girl).
It could mean a problem with your dog, not just the neighbours
You can live in a quiet house again