heavy petting
- lifestyle
Dating With Pets: Does Your Pet Help (or Hinder) Your Love Life?
Is it time for your own Lady and the Tramp moment?
- lifestyle
How Do I Get People to Accept That I Hate Dating and My Dogs Are All I Need?
People love to be nosy. Here’s how to fend them off – because you’re happy!
- lifestyle
Does Your Dog Hate When You and Your Partner Fight?
Here are the signs they’re trying to get you to stop
- lifestyle
Is Raising a Dog With Someone Anything Like Raising a Kid Together?
It’s the great puppy vs baby debate
- lifestyle
Should You Kick Your Pet Out of the Room When You Have Sex?
And what to do if you and your partner can’t agree on whether you should have an audience
- lifestyle
What Happens When the Love of Your Life Is Allergic to the Other Love of Your Life?
You don’t have to choose between your SO and your dog or cat – but here’s what may need to happen
- lifestyle
What to Do When Your Partner Isn’t Pulling Their Weight With Your Pet
So you don’t have to be annoyed anymore
- lifestyle
When Is It Too Early to Get a Dog Together?
You’re in love, but is it irresponsible to add four paws to the mix?
- lifestyle
How to Woo Your Way Into Your New Partner’s Pet’s Heart
Meeting your new partner’s pet is an honour – winning them over is another story. Here are some tips for being friends with your significant other’s best animal pal