Articles by Courtney Elliott

Courtney Elliott
Courtney Elliott, a proud Cleveland native living in Manhattan, blends her decade of writing and editing expertise with her unshakable devotion as a pet parent to her French Bulldog, Gus. When she’s not at her desk, you’ll find her frolicking in Central Park or engrossed in a good book at a local coffee shop.
- nutrition
Your Ultimate Puppy Feeding Schedule
They might act hungry all day, but it’s up to you to know the facts
They might act hungry all day, but it’s up to you to know the facts
- behaviour
Why Does My Dog Stare at Me? Possible Reasons and What to Do
Beyond the fact that they’re your biggest admirer
Beyond the fact that they’re your biggest admirer
- behaviour
Why Does My Cat Chew On Everything?
How to decode your cat’s chewing habits when they’re nibbling on all the things
How to decode your cat’s chewing habits when they’re nibbling on all the things
- behaviour
The Real Differences Between Cats and Dogs
There’s no winning this argument, but here’s what you should know about parenting each perfect pet
There’s no winning this argument, but here’s what you should know about parenting each perfect pet
- behaviour
Why Does My Cat Chew On Everything?
How to decode your cat’s chewing habits when they’re nibbling on all the things.
How to decode your cat’s chewing habits when they’re nibbling on all the things.