cat health
- health
Toxic Daffodils: What to Do If Your Cat Eats One
They might seem pretty in spring, but make sure your kitty stays clear...
- behaviour
Are XL Bully Cats Dangerous?
XL Bully cats might appear tough and muscly, but are they actually dangerous?
- health
Here’s How Much Kitten Vaccinations Cost in the UK
It’s crucial to make sure your kitty is protected against potentially fatal diseases
- lifestyle
When Can My Kitten Go Outside in the UK?
If you’d like your kitten to grow up with outdoor access, here’s what to know to help keep them safe
- behaviour
How To Support Your Cat Emotionally Over the Holidays
It’s the most wonderful time of the year... for you. Your cat feels otherwise
- behaviour
Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet? The Science Behind the Cat Flip
The science behind the feline ability to land on their feet
- health
Winter Woes: How to Stop Feline Cystitis This Season
Why winter brings a spike in kitty cystitis cases
- health
No, You Should Not Be ‘Scruffing’ Your Pet
You’ve seen mamas do it to their young, but it’s not something you should try yourself
- health
How to Make Vet Visits Less Scary For Cats
Two vets share their tips, from choosing a safe carrier to considering anti-anxiety medication
- health
Winter Pet Hazards: Keep Your Pets Safe This Season
Winter brings hidden dangers for pets – find out how to keep them safe
- nutrition
Which Christmas Foods Can My Cat Eat?
From classic turkey to all the trimmings – can cats join in on the Christmas feast?
- lifestyle
How to Calculate Your Cat’s *Real* Age In Human Years
Whatever their real age, they’re still your baby
- health
‘XL Bully Cat’ Breed Trend Sparks Outrage As Experts Warn of Severe Health Risks
Experts say this AI-like breeding trend is susceptible to serious health issues
- health
Can Cats Get Covid? What Every Pet Parent Needs to Know
Expert answers on Covid-19 and cats – plus symptoms to watch out for
- health
11 Vets You Should Follow on TikTok
TikTok has a ton of veterinarians giving helpful (and entertaining) advice
- nutrition
Is a Plant-Based Diet Safe for Your Cat or Dog? Experts Weigh In
Curious about a plant-based diet for your pet? Discover what science has to say about it
- behaviour
How to Stop Your Outdoor Cat From Moving in With Your Neighbours
Thanks to your neighbour’s treats, your kitty’s over-the-fence visits are starting to become uncomfortably regular...
- health
6 Cat Dental Products You Never Knew You Needed
Vets explain how chicken-flavoured toothpastes and nifty finger brushes can prevent more than ‘tooth fur’
- nutrition
Is Homemade Cat Food Good for Your Kitty?
The best ingredients to include when considering a home-cooked diet for your cat
- behaviour
Happy Cat, Happy Life: 5 Enrichment Tips to Keep Your Kitty Content
What is enrichment and why is it so important to keep your kitty happy?
- lifestyle
How StreetVet Supports People and Their Pets Experiencing Homelessness
Meet the charity that helps protect the animal-human bond
- health
Black Dots On Your Dog Or Cat? Here’s What You Need to Know
We’re not talking about Dalmatians here – they can have all the spots they like
- health
Is Your Home Safe? Common Causes of Pet Burns in the UK and How to Prevent Them
Learn essential steps to treat pet burns , from first aid to when to seek veterinary care
- lifestyle
This Irresponsible Article in The Cut Makes Light of Abhorrent Animal Neglect
If your mental health is causing you to neglect your pet, find them immediate care while you get help
- health
Is It Snowing? Or Does Your Pet Have Dandruff?
Because Head & Shoulders is absolutely not for pet use, here‘s how to clear up that flaky, snowy skin of theirs
- health
Dental Disease in Cats: Signs to Watch Out For & Prevention Tips
Much to their disappointment, taking care of your cat’s teeth is essential
- health
Absolutely Everything That Should Be In Your Pet’s First Aid Kit
Get your kit sorted now so you’re ready in an emergency
- health
What is Hydrotherapy For Pets?
Discover everything you need to know about this in-water treatment
- nutrition
Can Cats Eat Nuts?
Can you feed your cat nuts? Learn more about the benefits and risks of feeding your kitty human foods
- lifestyle
How Long Can I Leave My Cat Home Alone?
With automatic feeders and self-cleaning litter trays, your cat could technically look after themselves... but should they?
- behaviour
How To Stop Your Cat Pooing in the Garden
Are faeces in your flower beds ruining your garden?
- health
How to Brush Your Cat’s Teeth
It sounds like a daunting task, but here are some helpful steps to take
- health
How to Make Your Cat’s Oral Care as Stress-Free as Possible
Take things slow to figure out what works best for their pearly whites
- health
Health Warning as Pet Parents Urged To Keep Animals Indoors During Peak Pollen Times
Pet parents are being urged to keep their pets indoors during peak pollen times “until September”
- nutrition
Gut Feelings: How to Balance Your Pet’s Microbiome
The mind-gut connection isn’t just for people. Your dog or cat’s gut microbiome plays a big role in their health and well-being
- health
6 Surprising Signs of Arthritis in Cats
They’re not what you’d think, according to veterinary behaviourist Dr Margaret Gruen
- health
Does My Cat Have Cataracts?
The common causes of cataracts, how to treat them and why surgery may be your best option
- health
Help Your Chonky Pet Lose Weight
Here are some pro tips to help make sure your pet’s weight isn't a problem
- health
How to Help an Asthmatic Cat Breathe Easy
Everything you need to know about feline asthma, from someone who’s been there
- health
RSPCA Urges Pet Parents to Neuter Cats Ahead of Kitten Season
The charity is expecting an influx of kittens this summer
- health
6 Ways Your Cat Could Tell You They Are in Pain
Here are all the way your kitty is trying to tell you they’re hurting
- behaviour
What to Do When Your Cat Refuses to Use the Litter Box
A cat behaviourist explains why they’re so particular about where they pop a squat
- health
How to Treat Intestinal Blockages in Cats
If you see a string sticking out from, uh, behind, never, ever, ever pull on it
- health
How to Prevent and Treat Ticks On Cats
Two vets’ pro tips for preventing your cat from picking up ticks (and how to remove them if it’s too late for that)
- health
Does Your Cat Need a Gym?
We delve into all things feline fitness to learn whether your cat should be shredding and shedding
- health
Declawing is Illegal in the UK – Here’s Why
A veterinarian explains why the inhumane surgery is no joke
- lifestyle
How Much Does A Cat Cost?
Not sure if you can afford to bankroll a new cat for the rest of its life? Check out our comprehensive guide for all the costs involved
- health
5 Ways to Care For Your Senior Cat
From taking them to the vet more often to giving them a hand with grooming, older kitties need a little extra TLC
- health
Does My Pet Have Hay Fever?
Seasonal allergies can happen to your pet, too. They might just look a little different to yours
- health
Giving Your Cat Eye Drops is Easy. For the Most Part...
Two veterinarians explain how to properly administer cat eye medication
- health
The Best Way to Get Rid of Fleas On Cats, According to a Vet
Break the cycle before it gets worse... trust us
- lifestyle
What Are The Different Types Of Pet Insurance?
Everything you need to know about how pet insurance works in the UK
- health
Is the Eclipse Safe for Cats and Dogs? How to Protect Your Pets on 8 April
Everything you need to know about how the partial solar eclipse will affect your pets
- health
15 Terms You Should Know When Choosing Pet Insurance
Overwhelmed by all the small print and jargon? We’ve got you
- health
Pet Blood Donation: How Your Dog or Cat Can Become a Lifesaving Hero
Poorly pets often need blood transfusions – here’s how you and your pet can help
- behaviour
How Cat Tracking Made Me A Better Pet Parent
Finally, the secrets to my cat’s outdoor life have been unlocked
- nutrition
Don’t Come For Us, But Is Your Cat Overweight?
We love a chonky cat, but here’s what you should know
- behaviour
Daylight Saving Time Confuses Pets, Too
Animal behaviourist Karen London on how ‘springing forward’ causes your dog or cat to lose sleep, too
- behaviour
How to Introduce Your Adult Cat to a New Kitten
Whether you have a friendly feline or a senior sourpuss, it’s important to help your cat adjust to a new kitten in the house
- health
How to Tell If Your Cat Has Depression
Or are they just being a cat? Here are the signs to look for
- health
Your Cat Hates When You Brush Their Teeth — Here’s What to Do
You can still maintain their dental health without getting an unfortunate bite
- health
Why Does My Cat Have a Primordial Pouch?
A low-swinging belly is totally normal in cats and isn’t usually a cause for concern. So, don’t let your kitty feel ashamed – they’re perfect just as they are
- health
Does My Cat *Really* Need to See a Vet?
Cats can be hard to read. Especially when they’re sick. Or… not sick? We asked a veterinarian how to tell
- behaviour
10 Common Cat Myths (That Are Actually False)
Peel back the layers of mystery to discover the truth about our feline friends
- behaviour
Neutering Male Cats: Behaviour and Recovery Guide
If you’re bracing yourself for some wackiness, don’t worry – it won’t last forever
- health
Henry’s Pocket – The Weird Flap Of Skin On Your Cat’s Ear
Has your cat injured themselves? Are they growing themselves an extra ear? Nope, it’s far more likely you’ve just stumbled across Henry’s Pocket
- shopping
The Best Cat Toothpaste
You have to keep those pearly whites clean. Here are some suggestions for toothpaste that will do the trick
- health
Has Your Cat Been Crying? Or Just Chopping Onions Again
Their eyes might be watering but are our cats crying? And what can we do about it?
- lifestyle
5 Ways AI Will Change the Way You Parent Your Pet – Are You Ready?
Advancements in artificial intelligence are changing everything from the way we detect illnesses to how we keep our pets safe
- health
6 Human Wellness Trends Making Their Way Into the Pet Space
Your pet can benefit from your self-care practices, from supplements to acupuncture
- health
What Are Cat Pheromones and How Do They Work?
Communication is key, and pheromones are your cat’s version of DMs
- health
Why Is My Cat Heavy Breathing?
This can happen over time or very suddenly. Either way, it’s important to learn more about this symptom
- behaviour
Everything You Need to Know About Your Cat’s Incredibly Powerful Nose
They have up to 200 million odour receptors that can pick up all the good (and horrible) smells. Learn how to best support their sensitive sniffers
- lifestyle
8 Pet-Safe Plants Your Cat Can Veg Out On
Cats love the crunch of a houseplant. These ones will do them no harm
- nutrition
9 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat
Sharing isn’t always caring. Keep your cat safe by keeping these human snack staples to yourself
- behaviour
Can Cats Have Nightmares?
If so, they’re probably about going to the vet in that stupid carrier
- behaviour
Why Do Cats’ Eyes Glow in the Dark?
Those glowing orbs are actually a pretty useful result of evolution
- health
10 Longevity Tips From People Whose Pets Have Lived Incredibly Long Lives
Follow these vet-backed tips to help your furry friend live a healthy and full life
- health
Do Cat Foods For Sensitive Stomachs Really Help?
Dr Bruce Kornreich explains why going this route isn’t always the answer
- nutrition
Keep the Vampires at Bay. Can Cats Eat Garlic?
It’s a human cooking staple, but your cat shouldn’t indulge
- health
A Vet Explains How To Keep Your Pet’s Medical Bills Low This Winter
As a vet working in emergency practice, I often see cases where these bills could be reduced or avoided altogether
- new pet
Test Puppy Article (en-gb)
As a vet working in emergency practice, I often see cases where these bills could be reduced or avoided altogether
- nutrition
Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
Dog food is safe for cats in small amounts – but it shouldn’t be their main course
- nutrition
Do Cats Need High-Calorie Cat Food?
Why you should only be packing on the calories in certain situations
- nutrition
How to Get Your Pernickety Cat to Try a New Food
Discover the ways to get your picky eater to expand their culinary horizons
- health
Doctor’s Orders: Cat Vet Visits Are Essential
Get thy cat to a vet, even if it’s a struggle to get them out the door
- health
Pet Check-Up: 10 Tips for a Better Vet Visit
A vet shares their thoughts on how to become the best advocate for your pet during check-ups
- behaviour
How to Stop Your Cat From Munching On All of Your Precious Plants
Tips to get your cat to quit eating your greens
- lifestyle
7 Steps to Keep Your New Kitten Happy and Healthy
A vet breaks down everything you need to know when you bring home a new kitten
- nutrition
10 Human Foods That Are Safe for Cats
Good news for your begging cat: some of your favourite snacks are safe to share
- health
How to Deal with Cat Diarrhoea
Dr Audrey K Cook’s tips to getting to the bottom of a sh*tty situation
- health
What to Know About Fungal Skin Infections in Cats
Itchy and definitely not fun – here’s what to look out for
- health
How Vets Figure Out What’s Going on With Your Pet
Relying on more than just tests, here’s what vets do to help their patients
- shopping
5 Best Cat Probiotics
Is your cat’s microbiome out of whack? It may be time to add probiotics to their diet
- health
What Should I Know About FIV in Cats?
The most common questions about feline immunodeficiency virus, answered. Good news: most FIV positive cats live long, happy lives
- health
Are Roses Toxic to My Cat?
Let’s just say this: There’s no excuse for your partner not to bring you a bouquet of these.
- health
Are Tulips Toxic to My Cat?
They’re pretty in your garden, but keep those hungry cats away. Here’s why.
- shopping
I Tested My Cat’s DNA, and Here Are the Results
From health predispositions to breed history, Wisdom Panel’s genetic testing revealed my cat’s internal world
- behaviour
How Many Cat Naps Is Too Many?
A very sleepy kitty isn’t usually a problem, but watch out for these signs of medical distress
- health
What’s Up With My Cat’s Skin?
Everything you need to know about cat allergies, according to three veterinary dermatologists
- health
DUPLICATE US How to Find a Vet Who Loves Your Cat Like You Do
I had to kiss a lot of frogs to find the perfect vet. Luckily, veterinarian Dr Annette Louviere has some tips so you don’t have to, too
- health
What’s the Deal With Pet Insurance?
It covers your pet so you can get that broken leg fixed – while keeping your wallet happy
- health
Dogs Rule, Cats Drool, Right?
Sometimes it works the other way round – here’s why your cat is drooling
- health
How to Prevent – or Treat – Cat Ear Infections
How to prevent an ear infection (and treat one if it’s too late)
- health
Is My Cat Going Bald?
Don’t start shopping for cat wigs yet. But if your Persian is looking more like a Sphynx, underlying health conditions could be to blame for your cat’s hair loss
- health
Does My Cat Have Spots?
Pimples and spots can be unsightly and painful – here’s how to treat your cat’s acne
- health
Is My Cat... Panting?
“Cats don’t pant to cool off like dogs do.” Unless your pet is catching their breath after doing the zoomies, Dr Gary Weitzman says panting could be cause for concern
- behaviour
Your Sleeping Cat Is Twitching So Much They Should Be a Gamer
Why do they do it? A vet on the top three reasons your cat twitches in their sleep – from sweet dreams to scary spasms
- lifestyle
9 Plants Toxic to Cats
These plants might be beautiful, but they’re deadly to feline foragers
- health
Why Is Your Cat Vomiting Like They Partied All Night?
Here’s when you should worry if your cat is throwing up
- lifestyle
9 Unexpected To-Dos for New Pet Parents
Sound advice from seasoned dog and cat parents who have been there
- health
Did Your Cat Just Sneeze Like a Human? Here’s Why
Kitty sneezes can be alarming, but they’re not always cause for concern
- shopping
Flea and Tick Preventatives and Treatments For Cats
From collars to topicals to chews, here are the flea and tick preventatives we’re giving our cats this summer
- shopping
5 Best Cat Nappies of 2023
The top cat nappies to combat excitable urinators, leaking caused by incontinence and help those recovering from surgery
- lifestyle
8 Comforting Thoughts to Help You Through the Death of Your Pet
There’s no guidebook to grief and loss – but these kind words will help
- health
Wondering How Big Your Puppy or Kitten is Going to Get?
We know, our pets grow up too fast. But seriously, how fast is too fast (or slow)? Kinship and Waltham Petcare Science Institute created a simple tool to help your new pet’s growth stay on track
- health
What You Need to Know About Cat Mouth Ulcers
How to spot, diagnose and treat the painful lesions – whether cancerous or non-cancerous
- health
What to Do if Your Cat Gets Stung By a Bee
It’s not always as simple as scraping out the stinger. Find out everything you need to know
- health
Why Is My Cat So Damn Thirsty?
No, not like that. They’re literally drinking a lot of water. Here’s when you should be worried
- health
Snail Bait Poisoning in Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
It may protect your plants, but at what cost? A veterinarian explains how this toxin may keep your garden safe – but it’s extremely toxic to dogs. Here’s everything you need to know
- health
Something No One Wants to Talk About: Cat Cancer
Veterinarian Dr Alycia Washington breaks down the five most common types of cancer in cats, from how to spot the early signs to how to treat them
- health
Cats Lifespan: How Long Do Cats Live?
They are the absolute light of your life. Here’s how you can help them live as close to forever as possible
- behaviour
What’s All the Cat Chatter About?
Scientists believe they could be mimicking the calls of their prey
- health
Are Snake Plants Toxic to My Cat?
If you have a beloved snake plant, this answer will be a bummer
- nutrition
Can Cats Eat Strawberries?
Soon, they’ll be demanding you make this strawberry ice cream recipe on repeat
- health
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Safely Express Your Cat’s Anal Glands At Home
Ick. It won’t be fun, but here’s how to get the job done
- health
7 Purebred Cat Breeds Likely to Suffer from Genetic Disorders
And why this means adopting a cat from a rescue centre could be a better choice
- health
Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats?
Learn what you should do if your ‘spider babies’ and cat baby interact
- health
What to Know About Tapeworms in Cats
What to look for and how to treat it (to be able to eat rice again)
- nutrition
How Long Can Your Always-Hungry Cat Wait For Dinner?
Sometimes, they actually do need to eat
- health
What to Know About Eye Infections In Cats
Cats’ eyes are strikingly beautiful, but goopy, irritated eyes are not
- health
Can Cats Actually Get the Common Cold?
They’re not exactly blowing their noses and rubbing Vicks on their chests, but here’s what you need to know
- health
What to Know About Runny Noses in Cats
Nasal discharge doesn’t sound cute, but you need to know what to look out for
- health
Advantage vs Advantix: Not the Same Thing
Don’t make this dangerous mistake when picking out flea prevention products
- nutrition
Can Cats Eat Sweetcorn?
A few kernels won’t hurt, but think twice before doling out a bowl of the stuff
- behaviour
Neutering Male Cats: Behaviour and Recovery Guide
If you’re bracing yourself for some wackiness, don’t worry – it won’t last forever
- health
8 Ways to Get a Cat to Drink Water
Their desert-dwelling roots might resist hydration, but these tricks can help
- shopping
5 Litter Boxes Your Cat (Probably) Won’t Reject
Think like a cat when choosing a litter box... so you can go back to not thinking about litter boxes
- shopping
The Best Cat Water Fountains
Fresh, flowing water will keep your pet hydrated, ward off UTIs and reduce water waste
- nutrition
Can My Cat Safely Enjoy Watermelon?
Yes, the summertime staple is on the list of safe foods for cats
- behaviour
Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic?
If your cat nibbles on pen caps and power cords, they could be bored...
- health
9 Tips For Saving Money At the Vet
Ways to lower your bill – without compromising your pet’s health
- nutrition
How Much Should You Actually Be Feeding Your Cat?
If they’ve lost their hourglass figure, then not that much – according to a veterinary nutritionist
- nutrition
Why Is My New Cat Not Eating?
A veterinary nutritionist explains the causes, signs and treatment for how to increase their appetite
- health
A Spoonful of Tuna Helps the Medicine Go Down
Everything you need to know about the difficult task of medicating a cat
- health
Yes, You Should Spay/Neuter Your Cat. Here’s Why
A veterinarian breaks down how it keeps your pet healthy and curbs kitten overpopulation.
- health
Which Pet Insurance Company Is Right for You?
We compared the top insurers so you don’t have to.
- health
Can’t Pay Your Pet’s Vet Bills? These Orgs Can Help
When the bills rack up, these resources have your back.
- lifestyle
DUPLICATE US ENTRY Cats, Priceless. Cat Parenthood, Not So Much
A rundown of the most common cat expenses
- lifestyle
How to Give Your Cat a Halloween That Won’t Make Them Hiss
Cats might be a symbol of Halloween, but that’s as far as they want it to go
- shopping
PrettyLitter Has Beauty and Brains
At long last, a litter that’s for more than just scooping.
- nutrition
The Ultimate Puzzle: Picking the Right Cat Food
Four veterinary nutritionists pick apart the claims, so that you can choose the right food for your kitty
- health
Yes, Cats Can Get Heartworm. Here’s How to Prevent It
Dogs are the natural target for these worms, but that doesn’t mean your cat isn’t at risk
- health
Toxoplasmosis in Cats Can Be a Big Deal
Scoop cat poo early and often – and keep their poo away from your garden
- nutrition
Does Your Cat Need a High-Protein Diet Like the Lads At the Gym?
While they might not be working on their ‘gains’, there are other reasons this diet could be a good fit
- health
This Catnip Alternative Will Blow Your Cat’s Mind
If cats had their own TikTok trends, this would be one.
- lifestyle
Heads Up: It’s Officially “Kitten Season”
Hannah Shaw, a.k.a. Kitten Lady, on how you can help with the springtime arrival of orphaned kittens.
- nutrition
Does Your Cat Really Need to Go Grain-Free?
You’ve got questions. Dr. Bruce Kornreich, director of the Cornell Feline Health Center, has answers.
- lifestyle
8 Comforting Thoughts to Help You Through the Death of Your Pet
There’s no guidebook to grief and loss — but these kind words will help.
- nutrition
6 Best Fresh Cat Food Delivery Services That Will Have Your Kitty Purring at Full Volume
It’s like Postmates — but for you spoiled cat.
- shopping
Mosquitos Aren’t Going Away — Neither Are Bug Sprays That Are Toxic to Dogs
Enter: Wondercide, a plant-based, sustainable, pesticide-free mosquito-repellent set safe to use around your pet.
- health
Get This: While Your Cat Is High on Catnip, They’re Also Repelling Pests
Duuuude...where are the mosquitos?
- lifestyle
The Wildest, Wrapped
Our first year in review, from top-read articles and celebrity features to most-popular Instagram and TikTok posts!
- lifestyle
The Wildest’s Top 20 Stories of 2021
- health
Please Be Nice To Your Vet
Veterinarians love their jobs, but it’s not all puppy kisses and kitten purrs.
- health
Be Prepared: Four Pet Emergency Room Essentials for Pet Parents
Lay the groundwork for quick, low-stress treatment.