10 Human Foods That Are Safe for Cats · Kinship

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10 Human Foods That Are Safe for Cats

Good news for your begging cat: some of your favourite snacks are safe to share

Cat asking for human food from counter
chibelek / Adobe Stock

Admit it: your cat helps clean your plate. Slipping them some pizza or letting them slurp up the leftover milk in your cereal is harmless, right? Um, maybe. Animal toxicology expert Dr Tina Wismer notes that there are some people foods that are safe for cats to eat, but you have to choose wisely. Note: the salt-laden takeaway that tastes oh-so-good is not on the safe list. But here are 10 human foods that definitely are safe to share with your cat.

1. Broccoli

Broccoli is loaded with antioxidants and fibre that promotes good digestive health. Although raw broccoli is safe for cats, the cruciferous veggie might be hard for them to chew, so consider steaming it to make it easier. You might prefer broccoli covered in cheese sauce, but cats should eat it plain, Dr Wismer advises.

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2. Melon

Cantaloupe and other melons contain some of the same amino acids that are found in meat, creating similarities between the scents of meat and melon. Even if they know the difference between a hunk of meat and a slice of melon, your cat may still enjoy the taste. Cantaloupe is safe in small quantities, so grab the melon baller and start scooping some fleshy fruit for your feline. “Cutting harder fruits into bite size pieces is advisable,” says Dr Wismer. “But remove any seeds, cores, stems or peels from the fruit.”

3. Carrots

Both raw and cooked carrots are fine for cats. The veggies are a good source of fibre but remember that cats aren’t vegetarians, so offer carrots – and other fruits and vegetables – in moderation. Dr Wismer also offers a note of caution: “It’s best to cut vegetables into small bite-size pieces to avoid any choking hazards.”

4. Chicken

Cats are obligate carnivores who need animal proteins in their diet, and chicken is often a staple. Small amounts of cooked chicken are safe as long as it’s boneless; it should also be plain with no added seasonings. Dr Wismer suggests sticking with chicken breasts, not deli meat. The deli versions are often high in sodium; too much salt can increase thirst and lead to vomiting, diarrhoea and even seizures. 

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5. Fish Oil

Adding fish oil to your cat’s diet could help boost skin and coat health. The supplement is chock full of omega-3 fatty acids that are found in cold water fish like tuna and salmon. Too much fish oil can cause stomach upset, so ask your vet about the right dose for your cat.

6. Green beans

For a snack that’s low in calories, high in fibre and offers a little more protein than other vegetables, it’s green beans for the win. Cats can eat raw or cooked green beans as long as there are no seasonings or oils added during cooking. Substituting green beans for other treats might even help overweight cats shed excess pounds.

7. Pumpkin

It’s not just for pumpkin spice lattes. Pumpkin is a good source of insoluble and soluble fibre (and vets often recommend offering it to cats for constipation). Stick with plain, tinned pumpkin. It’s cooked and that makes it easier to digest; save the spiced pumpkin for your drinks.

8. Salmon

There’s a good reason salmon is one of the main ingredients in many cat foods: the fatty fish is high in nutrients like protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Stick with fresh (and cooked) salmon; the canned, smoked or cured varieties tend to be high in salt, which can cause health issues. 

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9. Sardines

Sardines are another fish healthy for cats because they’re one of the richest sources of omega-3, vitamin D and vitamin B12 – which are great for joint and heart health, allergies and weight loss, especially in senior cats. They also contain DHA, which supports cognitive learning and motor skills. Just be sure to drain the can of any added oils, sauces or brine.

10. Turkey

Like chicken, turkey is a lean, high protein option that’s safe for cats. It’s OK to give your cat small amounts of turkey, but Dr Wismer notes that it should be boneless and cooked without any seasonings; deli turkey, which is high in sodium, is not a good substitute.

If you’re offering your cat a few foods from the fridge, keep portion sizes small. Extras like salmon and green beans might be healthy and safe, but they aren’t a replacement for cat foods that were formulated to provide the right balance of nutrients for your cat’s health and well-being. Dr Wismer suggests treating these foods as treats, noting that human foods shouldn’t make up more than five percent of your cat’s diet. “Be mindful that too much of a food your pet is not used to can lead to some digestive upset,” she says. “Pets should get most of their nutrition from their regular diets.”

Jodi Helmer

Jodi Helmer is a North Carolina-based freelance writer who shares her home with an embarrassing number of rescue dogs and relies on four feral cats to patrol the barn. When she isn’t refilling food and water dishes, Jodi writes about animals for Scientific American, Sierra, WebMD, AKC Family Dog, Living the Country Life, and Out Here.