senior cat
- lifestyle
Cat Microchipping Law: What Happens if You Don’t Comply
Microchipping your cat is quick and painless – and it’s now required by law
- health
How to Make Vet Visits Less Scary For Cats
Two vets share their tips, from choosing a safe carrier to considering anti-anxiety medication
- lifestyle
How to Calculate Your Cat’s *Real* Age In Human Years
Whatever their real age, they’re still your baby
- nutrition
Is Homemade Cat Food Good for Your Kitty?
The best ingredients to include when considering a home-cooked diet for your cat
- lifestyle
How to Photograph Your Pet Like a Pro
The world needs cute pet pics. Here are five tips to go from amateur to Annie Leibovitz
- health
6 Surprising Signs of Arthritis in Cats
They’re not what you’d think, according to veterinary behaviourist Dr Margaret Gruen
- health
Does My Cat Have Cataracts?
The common causes of cataracts, how to treat them and why surgery may be your best option
- nutrition
The Reason Why Your Cat is a Picky Eater
A new study reveals a quick fix for your cat’s loss of appetite
- nutrition
Does Your Diabetic Cat Need a Special Diet?
Get ready for a sigh of relief – this food doesn’t have to be pricey
- health
Help Your Chonky Pet Lose Weight
Here are some pro tips to help make sure your pet’s weight isn't a problem
- health
How to Help an Asthmatic Cat Breathe Easy
Everything you need to know about feline asthma, from someone who’s been there
- behaviour
What to Do When Your Cat Refuses to Use the Litter Box
A cat behaviourist explains why they’re so particular about where they pop a squat
- health
Declawing is Illegal in the UK – Here’s Why
A veterinarian explains why the inhumane surgery is no joke
- health
5 Ways to Care For Your Senior Cat
From taking them to the vet more often to giving them a hand with grooming, older kitties need a little extra TLC
- health
Giving Your Cat Eye Drops is Easy. For the Most Part...
Two veterinarians explain how to properly administer cat eye medication
- health
The Best Way to Get Rid of Fleas On Cats, According to a Vet
Break the cycle before it gets worse... trust us
- behaviour
How to Introduce Your Adult Cat to a New Kitten
Whether you have a friendly feline or a senior sourpuss, it’s important to help your cat adjust to a new kitten in the house
- shopping
Litter Robot: Will My Cat Use an Automatic Litter Box?
I introduced my cat to an automatic litter box, and let’s just say it went off with... multiple hitches
- health
Does My Cat *Really* Need to See a Vet?
Cats can be hard to read. Especially when they’re sick. Or… not sick? We asked a veterinarian how to tell
- lifestyle
Why Senior Cats Make the Best Roommates
I adopted a couple of seniors because cats, like wine, only get better with age
- lifestyle
Why You Should Adopt a ‘Less Adoptable’ Cat
Here’s why bonded kitties, senior cats and felines with FIV make just as amazing pets as any other
- shopping
The Best Cat Toothpaste
You have to keep those pearly whites clean. Here are some suggestions for toothpaste that will do the trick
- nutrition
9 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat
Sharing isn’t always caring. Keep your cat safe by keeping these human snack staples to yourself
- lifestyle
How to Teach Your Kitty-Obsessed Kid How to Stroke a Cat
Boundaries are the name of the game with this one
- health
10 Longevity Tips From People Whose Pets Have Lived Incredibly Long Lives
Follow these vet-backed tips to help your furry friend live a healthy and full life
- health
Do Cat Foods For Sensitive Stomachs Really Help?
Dr Bruce Kornreich explains why going this route isn’t always the answer
- behaviour
“Kitty Language” Is the Book You Need to Finally Decode Your Cat
The author and artist uses informative (and adorable) images to teach cat parents everything about kitty communication
- lifestyle
How to Be a First Responder to Pet-Stain Emergencies
Experts say pet stains are 999 situations – here’s how to act fast
- nutrition
Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
Dog food is safe for cats in small amounts – but it shouldn’t be their main course
- nutrition
Do Cats Need High-Calorie Cat Food?
Why you should only be packing on the calories in certain situations
- nutrition
How to Get Your Pernickety Cat to Try a New Food
Discover the ways to get your picky eater to expand their culinary horizons
- behaviour
30 Strange Signs My Cat Is Happy
From puking on your least favourite shoes to biting you less (not zero, just less), here are all the ways to tell if your cat is actually happy
- behaviour
The Cat Breed-Behaviour Connection
Which cats are more likely to have stranger danger? Bite the hand that feeds them? Get the zoomies? Scientists studied 5,700 pet cats and discovered some interesting traits
- behaviour
Cats Aren’t Loners, After All
Cat behaviourist Kristiina Wilson on the importance of socialising cats
- nutrition
10 Human Foods That Are Safe for Cats
Good news for your begging cat: some of your favourite snacks are safe to share
- health
How to Deal with Cat Diarrhoea
Dr Audrey K Cook’s tips to getting to the bottom of a sh*tty situation
- behaviour
Why Does My Cat Wake Me Up At the Crack of Dawn?
Here’s what to do when your cat starts pawing at your face before the sun has even come up
- lifestyle
A Step-by-Step Guide to Adopting a Cat
From where to begin looking to how to prepare your home for the new arrival
- behaviour
How Many Cat Naps Is Too Many?
A very sleepy kitty isn’t usually a problem, but watch out for these signs of medical distress
- health
What’s Up With My Cat’s Skin?
Everything you need to know about cat allergies, according to three veterinary dermatologists
- behaviour
What’s Your Cat’s Love Language?
Five surprising ways cats show affection (and how you can show it back), according to a cat behaviourist
- shopping
6 Cat Hammocks For Hanging Loose
Your cat wants be up high. Give them a cosy nook to sleep in with these relaxing hammocks
- behaviour
Why Is My Cat So Kneady?
A cat behaviourist says ‘making biscuits’ could mean your cat thinks you’re their mum...
- health
Is My Cat Going Bald?
Don’t start shopping for cat wigs yet. But if your Persian is looking more like a Sphynx, underlying health conditions could be to blame for your cat’s hair loss
- health
Does My Cat Have Spots?
Pimples and spots can be unsightly and painful – here’s how to treat your cat’s acne
- health
Is My Cat... Panting?
“Cats don’t pant to cool off like dogs do.” Unless your pet is catching their breath after doing the zoomies, Dr Gary Weitzman says panting could be cause for concern
- behaviour
Your Sleeping Cat Is Twitching So Much They Should Be a Gamer
Why do they do it? A vet on the top three reasons your cat twitches in their sleep – from sweet dreams to scary spasms
- behaviour
Why Do Cats Raise a Paw?
Are they saying “Hi” or trying to high-five? Cat behaviourists decode your pet’s cryptic paw signal
- health
Why Is Your Cat Vomiting Like They Partied All Night?
Here’s when you should worry if your cat is throwing up
- lifestyle
10 Tips for Grieving a Pet
We asked five grief experts how to cope with feelings of guilt after we lose a pet
- behaviour
Tail Talk: What Is Your Cat Trying to Tell You?
Cats are enigmas. But their tail movements can reveal a lot about their moods
- health
Did Your Cat Just Sneeze Like a Human? Here’s Why
Kitty sneezes can be alarming, but they’re not always cause for concern
- shopping
The Best Puzzles to Unleash Your Cat’s Inner Einstein
Genius takes many forms. Could your cat be one?
- lifestyle
How to Do the Impossible: Take Great Photos of Your Cat
Given up hope? Try these tips from a professional cat photographer
- lifestyle
8 Comforting Thoughts to Help You Through the Death of Your Pet
There’s no guidebook to grief and loss – but these kind words will help
- shopping
5 Litter Box Enclosures That Aren’t Total Eyesores
Keep your cat’s litter box out of sight – but easy to clean
- behaviour
One Is the Loneliest Number: What to Know About ‘Single Kitten Syndrome’
Why adopting two kittens may be easier (and better for them) than adopting one
- health
What You Need to Know About Cat Mouth Ulcers
How to spot, diagnose and treat the painful lesions – whether cancerous or non-cancerous
- health
Why Is My Cat So Damn Thirsty?
No, not like that. They’re literally drinking a lot of water. Here’s when you should be worried
- health
Something No One Wants to Talk About: Cat Cancer
Veterinarian Dr Alycia Washington breaks down the five most common types of cancer in cats, from how to spot the early signs to how to treat them
- health
Cats Lifespan: How Long Do Cats Live?
They are the absolute light of your life. Here’s how you can help them live as close to forever as possible
- behaviour
What’s All the Cat Chatter About?
Scientists believe they could be mimicking the calls of their prey
- behaviour
Dream of High-Fiving Your Cat? Here’s How to Teach a Cat Tricks
It takes some patience (shocker), but it can be done
- behaviour
Why Does Your Cat Headbutt You? Curious Cat Behaviour Explained
Apparently, you should take it as a compliment
- health
What to Know About Eye Infections In Cats
Cats’ eyes are strikingly beautiful, but goopy, irritated eyes are not
- lifestyle
10 Questions to Ask a Rescue Centre About an Adoptable Cat
From medical history to adoption fees to litter preferences, here’s everything you need to know
- lifestyle
10 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Pet
It’s a big decision, so tick these boxes before you sign on the dotted line
- shopping
5 Litter Boxes Your Cat (Probably) Won’t Reject
Think like a cat when choosing a litter box... so you can go back to not thinking about litter boxes
- shopping
The Best Cat Water Fountains
Fresh, flowing water will keep your pet hydrated, ward off UTIs and reduce water waste
- behaviour
Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic?
If your cat nibbles on pen caps and power cords, they could be bored...
- shopping
Cat Trees That Won’t Clash With Your Aesthetic
Stylish cat trees for every home and personality, from cartoon flowers to modernist towers
- shopping
Merci Collective’s Crystal-Infused Products Are Calming Anxious Pets
Whether or not you believe in crystal healing, Chani Ronez’s chic, customisable and sustainable products are designed to help treat everything from separation anxiety to joint pain
- nutrition
Why Is My New Cat Not Eating?
A veterinary nutritionist explains the causes, signs and treatment for how to increase their appetite
- shopping
Mau Designs Fierce Furniture For Cats Who Are Wild at Heart
Sustainable home decor for “tree cats,” “bush cats” and every little lion in between.
- lifestyle
7 Myths About Rescue Animals, Debunked
For starters: no, they’re not all traumatized and yes, you can find purebred puppy.
- health
Which Pet Insurance Company Is Right for You?
We compared the top insurers so you don’t have to.
- health
Can’t Pay Your Pet’s Vet Bills? These Orgs Can Help
When the bills rack up, these resources have your back.
- shopping
PrettyLitter Has Beauty and Brains
At long last, a litter that’s for more than just scooping.
- shopping
This Ripple Rug Is the Perfect Activity For Your Easily Bored Kitty
The best toy to keep your cat focused, entertained, and deterred from scratching the furniture.
- shopping
You Can Transfer Your Woo-Woo Crystal Habit to Your Stressed-Out Cat
Merci Collective founder Chani Ronez on her new collection of crystal and catnip-infused toys for cats.
- nutrition
The Ultimate Puzzle: Picking the Right Cat Food
Four veterinary nutritionists pick apart the claims, so that you can choose the right food for your kitty
- health
Yes, Cats Can Get Heartworm. Here’s How to Prevent It
Dogs are the natural target for these worms, but that doesn’t mean your cat isn’t at risk
- nutrition
Does Your Cat Need a High-Protein Diet Like the Lads At the Gym?
While they might not be working on their ‘gains’, there are other reasons this diet could be a good fit
- shopping
10 Subscription Boxes Your Cat Will Thank You For Endlessly
Curated treats, toys, and catnip. What more could a cat ask for — besides the cardboard the toys arrived in?
- lifestyle
How to DIY a Catio
Cat behaviorist Cristin Tamburo’s tips for building a safe outdoor space for your cat.
- nutrition
Does Your Cat Really Need to Go Grain-Free?
You’ve got questions. Dr. Bruce Kornreich, director of the Cornell Feline Health Center, has answers.
- shopping
The Best Catnip Toys and Treats That’ll Have Your Cat Riding High
Let the purring, drooling, and chasing invisible butterflies commence.
- lifestyle
8 Comforting Thoughts to Help You Through the Death of Your Pet
There’s no guidebook to grief and loss — but these kind words will help.
- nutrition
6 Best Fresh Cat Food Delivery Services That Will Have Your Kitty Purring at Full Volume
It’s like Postmates — but for you spoiled cat.
- shopping
Your Cat Might Despise Baths, But This Biodegradable Shampoo Will Make Them Purr
- shopping
This Hammock Held Fast Under My Chonky Cat
And my houseplants reclaimed their rightful place on the windowsill.
- shopping
What’s Sustainable, Biodegradable, and Organic? This Litter
Kitty Poo Club’s soy litter subscription service has entered the chat.
- shopping
I Tried Tuft + Paw’s “Really Great Cat Litter” and it Lived Up to its Name
This sustainable, dust-free, odor-concealing litter is “really great” for you, your cat, and the environment.
- shopping
The Best Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals For Cats
If you’re looking to treat your cat to a little something special this holiday season, we’ve got you covered.
- shopping
The Best Cat Hair Removal Products to Comb Through
Cat hair...everywhere? These essential tools will whisk it away.
- health
Please Be Nice To Your Vet
Veterinarians love their jobs, but it’s not all puppy kisses and kitten purrs.
- health
Does My Cat Need a Professional Groomer?
If you thought your cat was a self-cleaning evolutionary marvel, you’re not wrong but...